Working Towards 

The Greater Good

 Operations & People Across Argentina


Active On The Ground Where It Counts

BACRA’s work focuses on six different operational threads:

Site Selection: We are identifying prime locations for the new capital city, considering factors like land ownership, accessibility, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. We work with the current landowners to establish a commercial working relationship and secure development rights.

Stakeholder Engagement: We actively engage with diverse stakeholders, including local communities, and business organisations. Through dialogue and collaboration, we address concerns, gather feedback, and foster consensus to advance the capital relocation project on a national level. 

Legal and Regulatory: We navigate complex legal and regulatory landscapes, overseeing aspects like land acquisition, zoning regulations, and environmental permitting. We work with local, and international, legal teams to ensure compliance and mitigate potential obstacles.

Communications: We prioritise transparent and effective communication, informing the public about the rationale and benefits of relocating the capital city. Through our efforts, we build trust, address misinformation, and garner support from stakeholders and the wider community.

Political Lobbying: We strategically engage with policymakers and government officials to advocate for the capital relocation project. By building relationships with key decision-makers, and educating them on the economic scenarios, we work to ensure that relocation becomes a priority.

Intelligence Gathering: We operate an intelligence team focused on the gathering of intelligence related to the capital relocation project, covering ministers, governors, senators, mayors, judges, legislators and party leaders, by leveraging OSINT and HUMINT techniques. 

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There is lots going on and we will be issuing updates by email,
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